Cleveland Lifestyle Maternity | A Black and White Approach
Cleveland Maternity Session
Black and White Lifestyle Maternity
Lifestyle Maternity
Cleveland Lifestyle Maternity Session
Black and White Maternity Session
Cleveland Lifestyle Maternity Session
Black and White Lifestyle Maternity Session
Black & White Maternity Session
Cleveland Lifestyle Maternity Session
Lifestyle Maternity Session
Cleveland Lifestyle Maternity Photographer | Rockefeller Greenhouse | A Black and White ApproachI thought I'd do a something a bit different this time around and give a little love to the black and white approach to one of my lifestyle photography sessions. Back in my high school days, I learned on film and developed in black and white. You spent hours in the darkroom just hoping for that one amazing and properly exposed image on an entire roll of film. Let's not even begin to talk about getting the film onto the reel without messing it up- in the dark! Developing was an entire art on it's own, and a part of me wishes I could go back to those days with the experience I have now. I enjoyed developing film. It was therapeutic. No computer screens. No distractions.Black and white photos for me give a completely different feel to an image. A depth and emotion that you sometimes cannot achieve with color. There can be more wonder to the story of the image when the color is non existent. For this lifestyle maternity photo shoot in Cleveland, my black and white edits gave me all the feels!This session's black and white conversions brought me back to those days. I was struck with nostalgia as I was converting these, it brought me right back to the feelings I felt when I nailed a properly exposed photo!Digital black and white converted images can be simple...full of texture, drawing your eye to the subject...emotive...and can look like film, kids!Black and white photography can be such a compelling way to tell a story. The color images from this sessions are GORGEOUS, but these B&W images struck such a cord, bringing me back to the days where my love of photography first began. If it weren't for that tiny little high school darkroom, I wouldn't be here producing these images today.When my families hire me, my main goal is to provide them with an experience that will produce timeless images they can cherish and look back on as a moment they will never forget. From there the images are carefully and artistically edited to produce color and black and white images. Our sessions are full of laughter, if you can't tell from the images above! These two could not stop laughing and smiling the entire time!Today happens to be Baby G's due date! Ashley and Brett, I cannot wait to meet your sweet little babe and provide you and your family with a memorable experience and more amazing images to cherish forever!To check out more lifestyle sessions on my blog, click here!